Other Facilities
The school has a 4-bed infirmary set-up that provides first aid to students in need, under the supervision of a full-time staff nurse. The school is also tied up with a few hospitals in Mysuru and conducts regular health checkup for students
Day care
We offer day care facility from 01:00pm to 4 pm, for parents to balance their career and family without having to worry about their children. A Montessori trained teacher handles day care and takes care of their all-round development along with day care. Day care facility is equipped with quilts, blankets & pillows for a comfortable nap. A trained helper oversees basic needs of children.

School Transport
The school has a fleet of school buses, owned and operated independently by the school. School transport facility is available to most parts of Mysuru.
Every bus has an attender who accompanies the children during the trips to and from school.
Every bus is fitted with a GPS device as per the government guidelines.